Aquair Service
Trusted Kent Water Purifier Dealer in Lucknow
Providing Kent RO Services

AQUAIR SERVICE POINT Solution was started by a team of professionals from India, the objective of bringing leading edge technology solutions in the area of Green Energy and Environment. The team is constantly scouting for cutting edge technologies from customizing them to help address India’s “Big E” needs, namely, GREEN ENERGY AND CLEAN ENVIRONMENT.
The Powerjects team brings over 25 years of experience in the area of technology, finance and management with specialized expertise partnerships and business. Currently the team is focusing on Water Purifiers. They are designed to filter out bacteria, virus and new age contaminants like lead and arsenic.
We are team players and team builders. We openly communicate across all levels of organization because we believe that success can be achieved through collective efforts committed to achieving common defined goals. Our employees are encouraged to participate in the decision making process and we believe that teamwork leverages one’s individual strengths.

80% of all Diseases are Water-Borne
Drinking quality water is an absolute pre requisite for good health. Since one is not sure about the source of water, using a good quality water purifier helps prevent any water borne diseases such as jaundice, cholera, typhoid etc.
Our Products
KENT RO removes all harmful contaminants ! Any queries ?

Why you need a water purifier?
Pure & Healthy Water
The quality of drinking water is deteriorating day by day. It is no longer as pure as it was during our forefather’s time. Primary reasons why tapwater may no longer be safe for human.
Boiling alone is not good for purifying water
Boiling is not the answer as it does not remove harmful contaminants that water purification can. Only AQUAIR SERVICE POINT removes all harmful contaminants making it much safer than boiling.
Causes of water pollution
Apart from poor and aging infrastructure in water distribution, increasing pollution levels in air and soil have led to the incidence of heavy metals like Lead in water.